The Washington Center for
A Center for Mystic Humanism
Rudolph Bauer,Ph.D.
Rudolph Bauer,Ph.D is a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, ABPP and holds Consultant Status in The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is a member of The American Academy of Clinical Psychology. He is currently Director of The Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Center of Washington, D.C. as well as Co Director of The Washington Center For Consciousness Studies.He is also the Director of the newly created Washington Center for Phenomenological and Existential Psychotherapy Studies.
He has completed Post Doctoral Fellowship in psychology at The University of Louvain,Belgium. He was a Fellow at The Institute of Time Perspective at Leuven and his focus was phenomenology as well as experimental studies in hope and despair. He did Post Doctoral Fellowship in Clinical Child Psychology at The Devereux Foundation. His focus was relational psychoanalytic psychotherapy and developmental clinical child Psychology. He had also completed a predoctoral psychology internship at the Devereux Foundation. Later he was trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy at The Gestalt Psychotherapy at The Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Center of La Jolla, California by Erving and Miriam Polster. He also studied Family Systems at The Philadelphia Child Guidance Center and participated in psychoanalytic seminars at the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis as well as the Washington School of Psychiatry.
He has studied for over 30 years with Masters of Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism, Kashmir Shavism and Daoist Qi Gong. He has over 100 publications in the areas of psychotherapy, clinical hypnosis, psychoanalytic objects relation theory, experimental studies on time perspective of hope and despair, as well as numerous phenomenological studies on existential awareness and meditation as described in Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism, Kashmir Shavism, and Continental Phenomenology.
Publications of Rudolph Bauer in Volumes (2).pdf
Sharon Bauer, MSN
Sharon Bauer, MSN is a psychiatric clinical nurse practioner who is trained and certified in clinical hypnosis, EMDR and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. She is a graduate of The Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Center of San Diego. The program was taught by Erving and Miriam Polster. For the past 30 years, she has been in the private practice of psychotherapy. She is Senior member of The Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Center of Washington, D.C. and Co-Director of The Washington Center for Consciousness Studies. Prior to private practice , she worked extensively in community mental health and taught psychiatric nursing at Villanova University. She is also trained in Reconnection healing.
She teaches experiential meditative awareness with emphasis on the light of awareness and the personification of the archetypal energies. She has publications on kundalini as potential energy, experiential focusing, self illumination, archetypal fields, and the essence of awareness in Kashmir Shavism. For the past 35 years Sharon has studied with many masters of Kashmir Shavism, Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism and Daoist Qi Gong.